Here is the text from the Article that was published originally here: COMMON QDRO JUDGMENT LANGUAGE ERRORS AND HOW TO FIX THEM Co-Authored by David T. Ruegg and NaKesha S.D. Ruegg A common problem for QDRO Attorneys is unclear judgment language that leaves to much room for interpretation by parties […]
What is a QDRO? A QDRO is a “Qualified Domestic Relations Order”, a specialized court order used to divide retirement accounts governed under Federal ERISA law. While the term “QDRO” technically only applies to ERISA governed plans, the term “QDRO” is commonly used among family law attorneys and litigators when […]
Questions and Answers With David T. Ruegg, QDRO Attorney
QDRO Process: If you are reading this you have just begun the retaining process with our office. To complete the retaining process you must provide our office with : Your signed and completed Retainer Agreement; Your retainer fee; Your completed Addendum (which includes all parties information not just your own); […]
Want to know more about the QDRO process/procedures at Ruegg ...
It is a common misunderstanding that I, as a QDRO attorney, know how much Parties will receive. As a QDRO attorney, my job is more comparable to a translator than a financial advisor or a CPA. Usually I need not see the records to translate the terms of your judgment […]
How Much Am I Going To Get From The QDRO?
Whenever you combine and equalize accounts-what you are doing is mathematically saying that $1 in investments in one account is equal to $1 in investments in the other account-which is mathematically inaccurate-the degree to the inaccuracy depends on the investments, but one party will be ‘shorted’ on the investment gains […]
Be Careful Equalizing Different Accounts Against Each Other
At the martial settlement stage, clients expect that discovery is finished and all there is left to do and know about a case is what ‘strategy’ to employ in settlement negotiations or trial. Yet commonly the retirement assets, often the largest assets of the marriage, are insufficiently researched before commencement […]
Non-qualified plans-what you don’t know
If you need to complete a separate property trace, please check out my calculators for public use! I have calculators for tracing pre-marital interest and post-marital interest and different calculators if you have all the records-or do not have all the records and want to plug in your best guesses! […]
Separate Property Tracing Calculators
MSA Military Pension Decision Tree and Suggested Language The world of Military Pensions were never very easy-but the complexities just hit the moon with all the changes in 2017. The “community split” or “divide in half” language in a Marital Settlement agreement just doesn’t cut it any more for Military […]
Military Pension Decision Tree for Suggested Marital Settlement Agreement Language

I am honored to speak on June 22, 2017 to the Long Beach Bar Association on the ever changing Military benefits laws and how those changes impact family law litigants. I will be discussing the “Frozen Benefit” rule that impacts cases with Active Duty Service members whose divorce was not […]
Military Pensions-Long Beach Bar Association June 22, 2017
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