Did you know if you use 401(k) funds to pay off community bills after date of separation, if you don’t mention and account for those transactions-you will in most cases end up overpaying your ex during the QDRO process? Did you know you can pull out money from your 401(k) […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
Are you worried that your former spouse is going to ‘cash out’ their account? Want to know the best strategies to stop them? Then this podcast is for you. Also-here is a sample of some language you can put into a letter and send to the plan administrator (remember-the best […]
How Do I Freeze Up My Former Spouse’s Retirement Accounts ...
Have you been offered a ‘buyout’ from your ex to not touch their pension plan? Have you thought about ‘just taking your own retirement account and letting your ex take theirs’? What about getting your child support or spousal support arrears ‘paid off’ through the QDRO process? If you have…you […]
Offsetting, Equalizations, and Buyouts-OH MY!
Did you know CalPERS and CalSTRS are different retirement systems that follow different rules? For example-do you know which of these systems allows for a modification of survivor benefits post retirement after a ‘life event’ such as a dissolution of marriage? If you are not confident on your knowledge of […]
What Are The Similarities And Differences Between CalPERS and CalSTRS?
So your judgment from 5 years ago says you are to receive $50,000 from your ex’s 401(k) account….but doesn’t mention gains or losses….so do you get $50,000 plus gains and you receive $80,000 as of today? Or do you only get the $50,000 flat and your ex keeps all the […]
Does Your Judgment List A Fixed Dollar Award-But Fail to ...
If you have separate property claims in your 401(k) or similar retirement account and you are not able to access your records to prove your claims from before marriage-do you know what to do? If not, try listening to this podcast for some tips!
What Happens To My Separate Property Claims If I Can ...
Do you know what a Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP Account) is? Do you know whether or not the DROP account in your matter is community property or separate property? If not-you should listen to this podcast to learn more!
What Is A DROP Account?
Do you know how a Gillmore Election works? Do you think it is the right move for your case or do you think your ex may try and do it? Listen to this podcast to educate yourself.
Do You Know What A Gillmore Election Is?
Have you heard the term ‘elective service credit’ before? Do you think it may apply to your case? Do you know what to do? If not-you should listen to this podcast to learn more.
What Is An Elective Service Credit?
Do you know the differences between a defined contribution, defined benefit, and cash balance plan? No? Then you should listen to this podcast!